Title page
About Shibas
Genesis of modern Shiba
Why are Shibas different?
The Shiba's body size
Shiba & dingo
The Jomon Shiba
Coat colouring genes
Shiba in Jap. films I
Shiba in Jap. films II
A tree climbing Shiba
A Shiba as CEO
International gallery
Shibas USA – Shiba World
Disorders & therapy
Dr. Yamato's report
Bleeding disorder
Atopic dermatitis
Specific diseases
Water therapy
Shiba standards
Nihon Ken Hozonkai
Nippo 1935
About dogs
Dogs & wolves at Deshima
Japanese dogs
Conformation of dogs
The dog's genome
New Guinea dingoes
Dingo as shark hunter
A Shiba rescue
A new sniffer dog
Good luck dogs
Shiba literature
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